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Climate Change Pledge
Within the San Francisco Dermatologic Society, we provide education to dermatologists on the importance of climate change and reducing waste in medical practices. Climate change is an increasingly important topic to address, and there is a growing interest in the medical community to highlight the role that physicians can play. By providing educational content at biannual meetings such as our Climate Change Symposium February 2022, promoting medical literature related to climate change, and mentoring medical students and trainees to develop manuscripts related to climate change, we strive to spread information on how to combat climate change in our communities and within the medical field. Our members have performed analysis on medical waste reduction during clinical visits and procedures, as well as research on ways to reduce the carbon footprint of medical conferences. By providing virtual and hybrid educational platforms, we can significantly reduce travel-related carbon dioxide emissions while also presenting information to a larger audience throughout the world to ultimately insure a better and brighter future for generations to come.
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